Installation Dinner for Officers for the 2003-2004 Fraternal Year:
District Deputy Joe Murphy at Podium
District Deputy Joe Murphy and District Warden Mike Perez
Deputy Grand Knight John Cavallo
Grand Knight Bob Fontana
Grand Knight Bob Fontana and His Wife Dorothy
Father Bill Finch
Head Table (l to r) Pat Gauthier, Romeo Gauthier, Fr. Bill Finch and Fr. Mark White
Head Table (l to r) Anne Murphy, District Deputy Joe Murphy, Julie Bader, PGK Tom Schneider
Knight of the Year Awardee Richard Bianchi and His Wife Elizabeth with PGK Tom Schneider
Family of the Year Awardees John and Gail Cavallo with PGK Tom Schneider
GK Bob Fontana Presents PGK Pin to Tom Schneider
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