GAS is Back!

The Garage to Attic Charity Sale (GAS) is on Saturday June 24th from 9am – 2pm. Our goal is to raise $15,000. We will donate proceeds to one or more charities in the area such as: Catholic Charities – AWS – Cup of Joe Program, St. Vincent DePaul Society, Rockville & Shady Grove Pregnancy Centers, Gabriel Network, Autism Speaks, Special Olympics of Montgomery County, Bethlehem House.
There are numerous ways to help make this year’s event a success. 
If you are interested in donating items, please drop them off to the Trumpet Room on Thursday, June 22 from 1pm until 7pm or on June 23 from 9am to 6pm.
If you have large items in good or excellent condition and can’t deliver them to the Trumpet Room, click below:
If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please click below:

1 thought on “GAS is Back!”

  1. This will be a great event! Hoping all brother knights and their families can participate this year!

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